Osaka Day
Saneel, Alvin and I wandered around today and made our way to The Floating Garden Observatory. It was cool, but we were all a bit disappointed that there wasnt actually a garden...Its this huge building and when we got to the top we could see the entire Osaka area, and luckily today was clear so we really could see everything, but there was no garden. Apparently it was a `skygarden`, a garden of sky??? as in a place with no walls? We took it for what it was though and it was pretty cool despite the missing garden. We could walk around the top part free of glass/plastic barriers which would have NEVER happened in the states, but it was QUITE a windy adventure. It was kind of like the space needle of Osaka except for way taller. After that we went to Americakura, an area that they designed to be like America. Needless to say I did not feel right at home, but maybe if I was from NY I would favorite part was that they tagged all the walls and had graffitti art all over the place to contribute to the `American` theme. Dan would have been proud :o) Now I`m back at the Raizan South waiting to go castle-gazing in a few and hopefully going to meet up with a couple who just got back from India. I met the husband this morning and he was super friendly and willing/wanting to talk with me about it. I figure the more advice, especially about India, the better. THEN I am also super-excitedly awaiting the arrivals of Scott and Lex. I have NO clue when Scott`s getting in, but Lex should be here at 10ish, yayyy! So, that`s me. I hope you`re doing well!
So it seems you are enjoying your journey...and I as i said will be following you through this Blog...As for advice about India if there is anything that you need help with feel free to ask...Enjoy your trip to the max...
Blue Panther, at 3:41 AM
Mom and I just finished our second day in the hospitalito clinic and found out we have internet access here, high in the mountains of Guatemala. Who'da thunk?
We laughed at your warm toilet seat story...even as we were simultaneously living in a home with no heated water. Color us envious! And laughing at your story til tears came to our eyes. Love the blog idea. It makes me want to set up one for our journey as well. Had the first gunshot wound today (15 year old boy..shot 3 days ago via revolver..healing well. Bullet stays in, as it's doing no harm in his butt...) Got an 8 yo boy very ill with worms in stool and lungs. Lots of strange health problems. AMazing social structure and culture. Can hardly wait to hear more from you, sweetheart....
Dad and Mom
PS So my hair is curly and so fluffy:o) The people here are beautiful and they hug. XOXO Mom.
Anonymous, at 11:49 AM
SISTER! you are amazing... this all sounds like so much fun! yay :) pictures?? have fun with alexa and scott! my supervisor at my internship wants you to meet up with her super crazy and fun cartoonist friend in delhi if you want. i'll send contact info along soon. :) miss you!
Anonymous, at 11:56 AM
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