La Chica Curiosita

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

In 12 hours...

I will hopefully (fingers crossed) be on a plane, headed towards never-never land (LAX) on my way to Osaka, Japan to meet up with Lex and (a recent development) Scott! YAY!

Japan is the first of six major areas that I will be headed in the next four months. Here's my itinerary:

March 1-16 JAPAN
March 16-April 3 AUSTRALIA
April 3-April 17 THAILAND
April 17-May 5 INDIA
May 5-June 11 EUROPE (flying into London out of Frankfurt)
June 11-June 26 Guadalajara MEXICO

My intent is to keep this blog thing updated as often as I can and hopefully I'll be able to post pictures along the way :o)

Here goes nothing...