These are some random pics that I wanted to post, but they are in no particular order.
These first two are of cooking classes. A big group of us foreigners went to a junior high (i think, it may have been elementary though) and taught an "authentic" dish. Dennis is from Canada and he taught the kids to make pancakes from scratch and served them with Canadian maple syrup.

Alexa and I taught our group of kids how to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Acutally peanut sauce and jelly sandwiches :o) When we opened up the "peanut sauce" it was this creamy, jelly-like, sweet peanut substance that was definitely more like peanut jelly than peanut butter. The kids loved it though :o)

Scott eating Udon at a little restaurant/soup bar in Osaka. Note the cowboy hat :o)

More Scott :o) There is a matching picture to this. When you go to a Japanese temple there are typically two statues "guarding" the entrance to the area. There is one on either side of the pathway/entrance, I think they are generally lions and one has an open mouth and one has a closed mouth. The open mouthed statues are male and the closed mouth are female. Go figure...

Lex, Scott and I at the end of the Path of Philosphers
A Japanese liquor store! They were everywhere!
This next one is for my Dad :o) In Northern CA there are PLENTY of deer signs along the highway. Since I was young my Dad has pointed out that the deer antlers are backwards on the signs in the US. In the US the deer antlers are pointing towards the deer's back, meaning that whenever the deer leans down for food under a tree, its antlers would get stuck in the branches on the way up. Well, the Japanese proved their genius yet again :o) Note that the antlers in this sign are facing forwards, the correct way. No getting stuck in the bushes for this deer :o)